Thursday, March 17, 2011

Exhausted, Grumpy, Moody, and Irritable

I'm not sure who that describes at the moment but what I can tell you is that each of us has at leave 1 or more of these issues going on.

Day Light Savings happened Sunday and we lost an hour, but it also seem as though the little guy is working on some nasty teeth. Not one, but multiples! He cut a molar some time last week or the week before which brings his total up to 9, and it was fairly simple. This other molar seems to be causing major pain, and J is very grumpy and irritable. Here is the recap for the past two days:

* Whining/Cranky all day
* Lacking in naps
* Use of a plug almost all day. Mind you prior to this, he was only using it for nap and bed time only.
* Use of tylenol/advil almost around the clock
*Waking up for comfort 2-3x during the night, and up for the day anywhere between 430am-5am. (Jack was not waking at all and if he was it was either at 12-1 or 5am for a bottle was waking for the day between 630 & 7am)

So needless to say Sean and I are TIRED! We hope this tooth will decide to make it's little break through soon. I'm not sure how much more all of us can take.

I did however get my new subscription of parents magazine this week and started to flip through it. In the pages were a few parents tips on helping a bad teether and we all know that J is not a great teether. Some things I had heard about, and others I did take into consideration.

Upon arriving home I put one of those tips into practice. The tip was the submerge a pacifier in water and suck up some water and fill the bulb with water, and freeze it.

After dinner Jacks plug pop was ready. He LOVED it! I hadn't seen sincere giggles and smiles in a few days so it was a nice reassurance that underneath everything he was still my little love bug.

As he rests right now I debate trying to get a few things done around the house like I normally do, ooooor crawling in bed knowing that he might be up in just a few short hours for comfort session #1.

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